Smart Attendance System Using QR-Code, Finger Print and Face Recognition

Document Type : Original Article


1 Communications and Electronics Department, Nile Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology, Mansoura, Egypt,

2 Communications and Electronics Department, Delta Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology, Mansoura, Egypt,


Smartphones now play an important role in our daily lives. It has made life simpler and easier for everyone with various social, commercial, problem-solving, educational, and marketing apps... etc., and in light of the need for social distancing following Covid-19, we have designed a system that addresses the problem of student and employee attendance in various institutions. They were utilizing a paper-based approach to keep track of their attendance. The suggested system is an Internet of Things (IoT)-based attendance system that makes use of the IEEE 2413 Standard for an Architectural Framework for the Internet of Things (IoT) (Face recognition - Fingerprint - QR code). Our system may be used in two sorts of organizations: the first is for businesses, where attendance is recorded using one of two characteristics (Face recognition or fingerprint), and the system is also designed to manage employee working hours. The second system is for educational institutions, and it is responsible for managing and analyzing all students' attendance. For pupils to take attendance, a (Face recognition& QR code) will be provided. The professor is in charge of determining whether or not all of the pupils in the group or class are present. To authenticate their attendance and exit, users will only need their smartphones.
