Security Issues and Challenges for IoT-based Smart Multi Energy Carrier Systems

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nile Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology

2 Assistant professor-ECE-Department- Nile higher institute of engineering- Egypt


The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the energy sector by providing a platform for energy hubs to connect and manage energy resources. IoT-enabled energy hubs allow energy providers to monitor, analyse, and optimize energy use across their networks. Smart energy hubs can measure energy consumption in real time, giving energy providers insight into how much energy is being used and when. This data can be used to adjust pricing and energy supply in order to maximize efficiency and cost savings. Moreover, the integration of IoT technology in energy hubs facilitates the implementation of automated energy management systems. These systems may be programmed to effectively address fluctuations in energy demand and supply, thereby ensuring a consistent and dependable energy supply. Finally, IoT-enabled energy hubs can be used to integrate renewable energy sources such as wind and solar into the energy grid, allowing energy providers to reduce their carbon footprint and meet sustainability goals.
